Thursday, November 8, 2012

For the time being...

As some of you may have noticed, my posts have been a little sporadic these past weeks. Blogging has become one of my favorite hobbies and I have so enjoyed being a part of the blogging community. I continue to meet so many wonderful women and am continually inspired by their passion and creativity. I love getting to share my life and this space has become the perfect place to do that. 

With that being said, I am in a blogging slump at the moment. I find myself feeling overwhelmed with my final quarter's classes, work, keeping up with friends, and thinking of fun and creative blog posts. So, as much as I love this little blog and the community that surrounds it, I am feeling the need to take a small step back for the next few weeks. 

No, I will definitely not be gone forever. In fact, I'm not leaving entirely. It just might be a little quiet around here for the time being while I complete the final steps to GRADUATING COLLEGE. 

I will still be posting and hopefully some of my wonderful sponsors will be sharing here as well! And I am hoping that I'll be back in a few weeks, full swing, and ready for the holiday season in blog land! 

Again, it has been a pleasure to be a part of this community. And you have no idea what your kind words and support means to me. 

Much Love, 


Ragan said...

i totally understand girl, i am feeling the same way. and as fun as blogging is, graduating college is usually MORE important :)

Charlotte said...

enjoy your break, sometimes its the best thing you can do to get those creative juices flowing! Enjoy graduating, and i look forward to seeing your posts when you get back xx

Chelsea said...

I completely understand. I've been wanting to really get into blogging, but I am still in college as well. I'm getting closer and closer to graduating every day, and when I have to decide between studying and blogging.. studying usually wins. Good luck while finishing up school. I can't wait until my LAST semester!! (It's only a few away.. EEK!!)

Rachael said...

I know that slump... I'm in one a bit at the moment too! Scheduling posts when I'm on a roll and write 4 posts in an hour is my best friend at the moment! Praying your last weeks or study are productive and wonderful! <3

Erin Marie said...

I totally hear this! I feel like I've been in a bit of a bloggy slump too, being a bit overwhelmed by "real life" stuff. we appreciate you!!

Anonymous said...

you're a wise woman to know when to stop and take time for the things you really need to do. and bloggers aren't going anywhere. :)

Helene said...

absolutely understandable! you gotta do whatchu gotta do!

Katie Did What said...

GOOD LUCK in all that is GRADUATING COLLEGE (yayyy!) and can't wait for your return, girl!!


Jeneric Generation said...

I just found your blog, so this is a little sad for me. But, I'll make myself a follower and wait patiently for your return. :) Congratulations on beings so close to graduation!! Eeee!!!